Monday, January 2, 2017

Oh What A Wonderful Life!

 Dear friends,

This week was stellar, like seriously, amazing. I am so happy here in Lynn Haven. The ward has such high expectations for the missionaries here and it’s refreshing. In the past few weeks, after getting the mapping all done, we have been able to bring a lot of members out with us to see the less actives and new investigators. I already see how much of a difference and impact it makes on the people we teach. Member presents are SO necessary in missionary work.  Sister Carter and I have also been able to do a lot of awesome member finding lessons after dinner with members and it seems to already be making a positive impact in the ward. Everyone is so excited to get involved and help us and to bring investigators into their homes so we can teach them. One thing I have been able to really see is how special the spirit is in member's homes. I want investigators to feel that, to notice the difference, to recognize that that is something they want and need in their homes. 

I feel as though I am finally becoming the missionary God has always wanted me to be, the missionary He knew I could always be, and I have never been happier. It is truly as you lose yourself that you find yourself. We have found that the most happy we have been this week were the days where we were so exhausted because the day was just so jam-packed with lessons, tracting, and just talking to everyone we saw.  We continue to see miracle after miracle here, as we listen closely to the direction of the spirit. 

On Saturday, we ate lunch and then decided to tract at the mall (talk to people about the gospel). On our way out, we saw a man with his head down on the bench. It was freezing cold outside (for Florida) and raining, and he just looked really sad. We approached him and he lifted his head.  We saw that he was actually a teenager, about 15 years old. It turns out he is in DCF, a program where the government takes the child away from their family to live with another family. The family this boy had been staying with dropped him off at the mall with no money or phone and told him they MAY be back that night. We were shocked and felt so sad for him. He was embarrassed about it but we were able to help him and get the police involved. It just scared me to think of what could have happened. The spirit led us to him for sure. It is amazing what happens when you follow spiritual promptings!

I was praying really hard on Thursday because I felt somewhat overwhelmed and inadequate. I was thinking, “There is no way I am good enough for this area.” But as I was sitting there, pondering many things, Heavenly Father answered me and said, "You are not good enough Sister Fletcher, but I am." That’s when it hit me so hard! Who cares if I feel good enough or not, who cares if I even am good enough or not. This is Heavenly Father's work and it will roll forth with or without me, but how amazing it is that I get to be an instrument in God's hands in this magical place of Lynn Haven. It is simply up to me to be worthy of the spirit and to turn outwards always. If I do that, if I focus on others and try my best, Heavenly Father will qualify me, and He has already been doing that. I know that I just need to fully submit my will to His, to allow Him to use me in whatever way He sees fit. Humility is everything on a mission, it is everything in life - humility AND gratitude. I just feel so grateful!!!

We have one investigator named Candy that we met this week. She lives in very humble circumstances and just needs something more in her life. We taught her the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and as we told the story of Joseph Smith's humble prayer being answered, tears were just streaming from her eyes. She accepted an invitation to be baptized and felt in her heart that this message is true. Time and time again I am able to witness these experiences, but each time it just gets sweeter and sweeter. I love these people so much, I just can’t even comprehend how much God loves them! 

Well, I hope you guys have an amazing week and Happy New Year!!! See you all this year ;)

Sister Fletcher
Baby it's coooold outside!
Giant beach ball!
New Year's sleepover
with crazy makeup!
Convertible cruising'
with my favs!

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